Yes, I have jumped on the bandwagon and started my own blog... I don't want this to be a 'let me tell you what to do/buy' but more of a forum of thoughts and ideas about fun & pretty stuff.

Let me introduce myself, I'm Kerry - owner of The White Letter and wife to writer Pete Waugh. We had our first child, John, in November 2016 and, cliche as it sounds, we have never been happier. We moved house in June 2016 and are slowly and surely making it into a wonderful family home in the heart of our little village in the country. 

Since moving house and having a baby, many people have been asking me all sorts of questions from "Where is that rug from" to "What did you pack in your hospital bag?". 

In relation to house stuff, I adore classic styles, light & bright rooms and have expensive taste on a high street budget. I love planning a room using images from magazines and Pinterest then sourcing items, fabrics and furniture from high street stores, charity shops or local joiners. I think it's more fun being able to say "That lovely sideboard? Yeah, it was £30 from a charity shop" than having my house look like page 32 of the Ikea catalogue [*Disclaimer: I am a huge Ikea fan ...I just think less is more*]. 

When we moved house last year there were 2 priorities:

  • My office
  • The nursery

My office was the first thing on our to-do list. I was 5 months pregnant and needed to get clients in for consultations before the craziness of summer weddings hit and before I took a short maternity break in the autumn.

The room itself was one of the main reasons for buying this particular house. I needed a downstairs office as I always have clients coming & going. It's located just by the front door, opposite our living room and away from where we live life in the kitchen/dining/snug at the back of the house. Aka: perfect.

When planning a room I always think 'What is the primary use for this space?' Like a brief for a design job, designing for a space is exactly the same. With my office, I needed to showcase as many invites and designs as I possibly could. This way, couples can see the array of options in front of them which makes the whole process so much easier.

...this is where the dresser came in.

I commissioned a fantastic Northern Irish joiner to build a massive dresser for my office. It's 8ft high and 6ft wide: #gobigorgohome. It's the heart of my study and has the 'wow' factor as soon as you walk into the space. Needless to say, I love it. A few baskets, a glass table and some button back chairs later and wa-la, the office was complete!

Finished off with a framed picture of magazine cut-outs from my own wedding from 2010.

I spend a LOT of hours in this space so I am so happy it turned out the way I had planned it in my head. Have you visited me in my new office? I'd love to hear your thoughts (good or bad!).

So, the nursery... next time on the blog!


Photography by David Cavan ...Our wedding pictures are also by Dave, picture of a picture (Inception much?).

Kerry Waugh